Events throughout the year
Alongside the lessons, we also ensure we explore anglophone culture together.
Back to School (September)
The children and staff are always excited to get back together after the holidays to share stories of their adventures over the summer months. All newcomers are welcomed warmly to the school.
Annual General Meeting (October)
OK, so you may not class an AGM as fun : but it is necessary to keep the association going. All parents are welcome to join the committee for a little apero before moving on to business. The agenda is sent ahead of the meeting along with minutes from the last meeting. New committee members are officially voted in during this meeting.
Festive Fun (December)
We have some longstanding traditions to add a little bit of festive fun at the end of the calendar year:
Christmas Concert: The children perform their class carols for the TES families on the last day of term
Bake sale: after the concert, we sell a selection of home-baked goods—the proceeds go to buy toys and books for the school.
Christmas hampers: We collate goodies into hampers, and hold a raffle during the bake sale.
World Book Day (March) **NEW**
We embrace World Book Day, as per many English schools. The children dress up as a character from their favourite book, and discuss that book with their class.
Easter Egg Hunt
The Easter Bunny passes through the school (mysteriously on a Wednesday, but very close to Easter Sunday). The children enjoy hunting for the eggs, and sharing them with their friends. There are also lots of Easter themed activities in the classes.
School fête / kermesse (June)
To celebrate the end of the school year, and let the children have some fun together – we hold a fun session at the end of term.